Southside Fuel Looking out for Your Business
Back in the day, companies relied on spreadsheets to keep track of their fuel inventory, which wasn’t entirely accurate – leaving much room for human error. Your business’ supply of fuel is what makes you money, so you don’t want to leave it to chance or risk throwing off your numbers by adding an extra digit or leaving one out. Let Southside Fuel help with our wireless tank monitoring service!
Instead of focusing on a specific number of gallons, our tank monitoring tracks how full your storage tank is. We use a magnetic battery-operated device that sends out an alert and let’s us know when your fuel levels fall below a certain threshold. Once we get the alert, we’ll contact you and set up your next delivery so that you’ll always have supply on hand to meet demand. By preventing you from running out of fuel, we’ll be protecting your profits as well!
Let Southside Fuel track your fuel inventory remotely so you and your employees can focus more on selling and delivering product and less on whether you’ll have enough to fulfill your orders. Call today to set up your tank monitoring service, and ask about the other commercial services we provide that may help your business as well.